EACH session will be
Each session begins by assessing your current patterns, compensations, and structure. Together we create a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.
Everyone has goals and concerns when it comes to achieving full body wellness. We work closely with you to help identify and overcome your pain and patterns.
Since achieving full body wellness is more than just our time together, we will be guiding you toward other helpful practices such as mindfulness training, movement education, and more.
We pride ourselves in providing a safe, intimate, and confidential practice.
What to wear
Rolfing Structural Integration differs from many other manual therapies, therefore you will be clothed during your sessions.
Please wear whatever is most comfortable for you - shorts, leggings, tshirt, tanktop, sports bra, or simply your bra and underwear.
We want you to be as comfortable as possible during your sessions.
DOES It hurt?
You come to us to relieve pain, not cause it! We’d like to share some information about Rolfing vs. Pain because there is a common misconception regarding Structural Integration being painful.
Regarding ‘intense sensation’ there are of course areas of the body that can be tender (i.e. the armpit, injuries, inflamed areas). However, broader ranges of techniques are now used, allowing the body to change at a more appropriate rate. Learning how to relax and not hold tension in the body is an ongoing benefit of Rolfing, therefore, we will work in such a way that respects your level of comfort.
There can also be moments where you begin to feel emotional and that’s PERFECTLY OKAY! We subconsciously store emotions in our body because sometimes it’s easier to ‘stuff those emotions down’ than to let them go. When your Structural Integration Practitioner works on these areas of holding, it’s normal and HEALTHY to begin to feel emotional. Whether you let it go on the table or you go home and experience those emotions later is up to you and as previously mentioned, normal and healthy!